CPM Consulting d.o.o was founded in 2010.

CPM Consulting is an efficient business system, active and competitive in the market, the leading professional organization, well known and recognized leader in the fields of management, engineering, construction of buildings, engineering supervision, etc.

Our advantage compared to the competition can be seen in the wide range of offers and the quality of services, as well as in quality engineering teams ready to respond to any business challenge.

Our strengths are teamwork and commitment to tasks at hand, and we expect the same from our partners.

Our vision is to be the largest representative of the global construction services and technical expertise.

CPM Consulting is specifically oriented towards:

  • Contract Management
  • Management of large and complex projects in order to provide strategy implementation, improvement of organisational capabilities, delivering of business benefits and value creation
  • Better economic, social and environmental sustainability
  • Value engineering
  • Lower project risks and uncertainty
  • Green building and infrastructure

We believe that green building is not only good for the environment, but also for providing long-term economic benefits to building owners. Energy efficiency is perhaps the most important aspect of green building. We recognize the full worth of economic, social and environmental sustainability to which we aspire in all our projects.

Our teams are composed of experienced professionals and specialists in their respective fields: civil engineers, electrical and mechanical engineers, lawyers, economists, etc.


Development Consulting | Contract Management | Project Management | Construction Management | Structural Engineering | Green Building | Facility Management | Energy Efficiency  | Human resources | Health and Safety | Environmental Protection |

CPM Consulting | Kneginje Zorke Street No. 80, 11000 Belgrade | PHONE/FAX: +381 11 403 81 59 | Email: